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Dialogic PowerVille VIVR – Visual Interactive Voice Response
Extend the capabilities of voice-only IVRs with Visual IVR

Dialogic PowerVille VIVR – Visual Interactive Voice Response

Dialogic Products
Load Balancer Applications Software
Dialogic PowerVille VIVR � Visual Interactive Voice Response
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Dialogic’s PowerVille VIVR – Visual Interactive Voice Response (IVR) extends the capabilities of voice-only IVRs by transforming them into collaborative web-based voice and visuals mobile applications for smartphones. By being able to share visual content during a voice call, PowerVille VIVR offers a mobile experience that conveniently and effortlessly engages the caller both visually and audibly.

PowerVille VIVR relieves contact center volume by delivering more calls to successful self-service interactions. This is accomplished through: visual navigation, which is faster than listening to audio-only prompts; increased accuracy, allowing the caller to read and re-read options before making a selection; and information-rich-input, where complex alpha-numeric data can be easily entered.

Although its primary purpose is to improve first-call self-service resolution rates, when a call has to be transferred to an agent, PowerVille VIVR easily bridges the gap between Mobile, Self-Service, and Customer Care with seamless transfer at any place within a self-service interaction. This enables agents to become noticeably more productive via reduced inbound calls and zero-outs, as the enhanced user experience leads to low interaction abandonment and improved average handle times.

Use Case Example – Financial Services

Financial institutions regularly launch new products and services that have unforeseen fraud risk factors. These unplanned fraud threats require mitigation approaches that are not only quick, but also easy for the consumer to understand. Current methods, such as voice-only interactions, are inflexible and can unintentionally put the consumer at a disadvantage when it comes to confirming whether fraud has actually occurred with respect to their account.

When a major credit card processor using PowerVille Visual IVR contacts a customer believing a fraudulent charge has been made, being able to visually share the transaction details with the customer benefits both parties. When a customer with a smartphone receives a call, they also receive a link to a browser showing them the charge in question. By allowing the customer to view the suspicious transaction, the agent enables the customer to quickly make a well-informed decision, while also shortening the duration of call.

Omni-Channel Experience

PowerVille VIVR can facilitate an omni-channel experience by giving a caller the option to transfer the call to an agent, start a chat or text session, send an e-mail, or request a callback. Thus, even in situations where the caller’s specific concern(s) might have yet to be addressed, giving them the ability to choose how to continue can help them maintain a positive view as to the overall experience. Furthermore, if the call has to go to an agent, PowerVille VIVR can intelligently route the call to the appropriate agent with context and continuity, reducing both call disruption and the need for information repetition by the caller.

Information Rich Input

A key feature of PowerVille VIVR is the ability to accept information-rich input (e.g., complex alpha-numeric data), a capability that is lacking with voice-only IVR. Also, if a caller decides to transfer to an agent after entering data, PowerVille VIVR can send a screen pop to the agent displaying all the data entered by the caller, reducing resolution time and improving customer experience.


Dialogic Products
Load Balancer Applications Software
Dialogic PowerVille VIVR � Visual Interactive Voice Response
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